Is a lifestyle brand with a focus on sustainability.

We create Scandinavian design, inspired by the world-famous design language of the Vikings.

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Frakt till USA för endast $9 eller gratis frakt för ordrar över $99

Production and Materials

With quality and sustainability in focus, we take the traditional with us into the future. For us, the work of increasing our social commitment and reducing our environmental impact never ends.

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Our earrings

Nickel-free brass earrings

Beautiful, Viking-inspired earrings in a timeless design, made in nickel-free brass and silver-plated brass.

Earring Tree of life, summerAlla Nordlys smycken är nickel och kadmiumfria. Örhänge livets träd sommar
Earring Tree of life, summer
Sale price$20.00 USD
Viking beads, earringsViking beads, earrings
Viking beads, earrings
Sale price$22.00 USD
Earrings sun rings.Earrings sun rings.
Earrings sun rings.
Sale price$20.00 USD
Small sun earringSmall sun earring
Small sun earring
Sale price$17.00 USD
På dessa nätta små örhängen ser vi livets träd. Grenarna sträcker sig nedåt för att bindas samman med rötterna i det eviga kretsloppet. Örhängena är handgjorda i försilvrad mässing och har en polerad silverfärg.  Livets träd, Arbor vitae (latin) finns i flera kulturer och har olika namn. I den fornnordiska mytologin omtalas det som Yggdrasil och är  mittpunkten i vikingarnas världsbild, dess grenar band samman de olika världarna och skapelsen i sin helhet.   . På dessa nätta små örhängen ser vi livets träd. Grenarna sträcker sig nedåt för att bindas samman med rötterna i det eviga kretsloppet. Örhängena är handgjorda i försilvrad mässing och har en polerad silverfärg.  Livets träd, Arbor vitae (latin) finns i flera kulturer och har olika namn. I den fornnordiska mytologin omtalas det som Yggdrasil och är  mittpunkten i vikingarnas världsbild, dess grenar band samman de olika världarna och skapelsen i sin helhet.   .
Yggdrasil, gold color
Sale price$17.00 USD
Eir Gift setEir Gift set
Eir Gift set
Sale price$63.00 USD

In the blog, you can read a bit of each throughout history. How it happened then and now.

The Norns

Norns are central figures in Norse mythology and represent fate and the cycles of life. They are three sisters who weave the thread of life for both gods and men. Their names are Urd (representing the past), Verdandi (the present) and Skuld (the future). Together they create a web of fate that governs the lives and destinies of individuals.

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Symbols and their meaning

The making of glass beads and the tools used have not changed much in a thousand years, of course modern versions of them are used but the function has remained the same.

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The story of the runes.

Runes are a form of written characters, just like letters. The characters are used to reproduce the sound of words in writing. The runes were used to write the language that was spoken in the Nordic countries long ago.

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The Story of Mead

Mead, also known as honey wine, has been a treat for humans for thousands of years. The oldest evidence of fermentation and consumption of honey and fruit comes from East Asia and is more than 8000 years old!

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We are constantly developing and love to design new products.

In this category you can see our latest creations.

Brass triskele earringsBrass triskele earrings
Brass triskele earrings
Sale price$17.00 USD
Bracelet BraidBracelet Braid
Bracelet Braid
Sale price$17.00 USD
Viking braceletViking bracelet
Viking bracelet
Sale price$30.00 USD
Bracelet with Thor's Hammer claspBracelet with Thor's Hammer clasp
Bracelet with Thor's Hammer clasp
Sale price$26.00 USD
Women's knife miniWomen's knife mini
Women's knife mini
Sale price$14.00 USD
Corkscrew, RamCorkscrew, Ram
Corkscrew, Ram
Sale price$26.00 USD

Drinking horn, Berserker with horn stand

Drinking horns

Make a toast like a real Viking togheter with your friends

Here you will find the perfect drinking horns. Nordly's Viking-inspired craftsmanship and design is always of the highest quality and a guaranteed eye-catcher.

Drinking horn with forged stand, 350 mlDrinking horn with forged stand, 350 ml
Drinking horn Berserk with standDrinking horn Berserk with stand
Drinking horn Berserk with stand
Sale price$52.00 USD
Drinking horn 800mlDrinking horn 800ml
Drinking horn 800ml
Sale price$59.00 USD
Decorated drinking horn, approx. 4-5 literDecorated drinking horn, approx. 4-5 liter
Deep carved drinking horn, UrnesDeep carved drinking horn, Urnes
Deep carved drinking horn, Urnes
Sale price$239.00 USD
Deep carved drinking horn, Viking shipDeep carved drinking horn, Viking ship
Deep carved drinking horn, Viking ship
Sale priceFrom $231.00 USD

Our beads

Our historical beads

Glass beads from the Scandinavian countries. All glass beads are historical replicas.

Here you will also find our beard beads in brass and silver-plated brass.

Blue glass bead with red-white eyeBlue glass bead with red-white eye
tre svarta glaspärlor med rött och gult mönsterTubular glass bead with red and yellow pattern
Blue pearl with white-red stripesBlue pearl with white-red stripes
tre blåa glaspärlor med en vitt streck som slynger sig kring den. Frosted blue glass bead with white decoration
Green glass bead with red-white eyeGreen glass bead with red-white eye
Fem blå glaspärlor med vita prickarLight blue pearl with white dots
Fem svarta glaspärlor med rött och gult mönsterBlack bead with red and yellow pattern, Ribe.
Blue glass bead with yellow decorationBlue glass bead with yellow decoration


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