

Our design series with complete pagan neck jewelry, where we combined different historical pendants with leather, bone and horn to create the Viking jewelry that fits a modern Viking. 


77 products
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Viking ship pendantViking ship pendant
Viking ship pendant
Sale price199 SEK
Necklace Thor's Hammer FateNecklace Thor's Hammer Fate
Necklace Thor's Hammer Fate
Sale price449 SEK
Torshammare Mjölner, from Ödeshög.Torshammare Mjölner, from Ödeshög.
Wolf cross in brassWolf cross in brass
Wolf cross in brass
Sale price269 SEK
Halsband Mjölner TennHalsband Mjölner Tenn
Necklace Mjolnir Pewter
Sale price349 SEK
Halsband Mjölner BronsNecklace Mjolnir Bronze
Necklace Mjolnir Bronze
Sale price399 SEK
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Necklace BalderNecklace Balder
Necklace Balder
Sale price299 SEK
Freya symbol necklaceEt halsband med frejasymbål i brons. läderband
Freya symbol necklace
Sale price369 SEK
EvighetsknutenEternity knot, silver-plated
Eternity knot, silver-plated
Sale price249 SEK
Necklace FenrisNecklace Fenris
Necklace Fenris
Sale price299 SEK
anglaklocka halsbandhalsband hjarta presenttips
Angel bell, Heart
Sale price199 SEK
from JomsborgBensmycke viking
Carved bone pendant
Sale price199 SEK
Necklace OdinNecklace Odin
Necklace Odin
Sale price399 SEK
Halsband Skolls tandHalsband Skolls tand
Necklace Skoll's tooth
Sale price249 SEK
Necklace Mammen BronzeHalsband Mammen Brons
Necklace Mammen Bronze
Sale price349 SEK
Runhalsband i benNordic rune pendant in bone
Nordic rune pendant in bone
Sale price179 SEK
Byzantine necklaceByzantine necklace
Byzantine necklace
Sale price249 SEK
Necklace Wolf Cross BronzeNecklace Wolf Cross Bronze
Necklace Wolf Cross Bronze
Sale price349 SEK
Halsband pilspetsHalsband pilspets
Arrowhead necklace
Sale price399 SEK
Ask o Embla, pendant, Gold colour
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Women's knife miniWomen's knife mini
Women's knife mini
Sale price159 SEK
Ask and Embla, Silver-platedAsk and Embla, Silver-plated
Ask and Embla, Silver-plated
Sale price229 SEK
Firesteel pendantFiresteel pendant
Firesteel pendant
Sale price159 SEK
Angel bell, Vikinghalsband
Angel bell, Viking
Sale price229 SEK
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Thick chain silver-platedThick chain silver-plated
Thick chain silver-plated
Sale price399 SEK
Thor´s hammer with beaten pattern, bronzeThor´s hammer with beaten pattern, bronze
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Jotun gift set, necklace and bracelet.Jotun gift set, necklace and bracelet.
Triskele in circleTriskele in circle
Triskele in circle
Sale price199 SEK
Triskele silverplateradTriskele small pendant
Triskele small pendant
Sale price229 SEK
Gotlands prism, rock crystalGotlands prism, rock crystal
Gotlands prism, rock crystal
Sale price279 SEK
Loki, bronze pendantLoki, bronze pendant
Loki, bronze pendant
Sale price249 SEK
Thor´s hammer Bornholm, bronzeHange hammare
halsband vikingLivetstrad
Angel bell, Tree of life
Sale price199 SEK
Thor's hammer Valhalla, bronzeThor's hammer Valhalla, bronze
Änglaklockanickelfritt+mässing+silverplätterad mässing+ vikingsmycke
Angel bell, Sun symbol
Sale price199 SEK
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Halsband FrejaHalsband Freja
Necklace Freja
Sale price199 SEK
Livets träd, asken Yggdrasil omgiven av zodiaken med alla stjärnteckenLivets träd, asken Yggdrasil omgiven av zodiaken med alla stjärntecken
Yggdrasil pendant, brass
Sale price199 SEK
Thor´s hammer Mickels, bronze
Collar EnrideCollar Enride
Collar Enride
Sale price299 SEK
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Byzantine cross, bronzeByzantine cross, bronze
Byzantine cross, bronze
Sale price159 SEK
Val braided necklaceVal braided necklace
Val braided necklace
Sale price349 SEK
Livets träd, asken Yggdrasil omgiven av zodiaken med alla stjärnteckenLivets träd, asken Yggdrasil omgiven av zodiaken med alla stjärntecken
Gotland prism, JadeGotland prism, Jade
Gotland prism, Jade
Sale price279 SEK
Gotlandshänge, JaspisGotlandshänge, Jaspis
Gotland prism, Jasper
Sale price279 SEK
Gotland slope, TurquoiseGotland slope, Turquoise
Gotland slope, Turquoise
Sale price279 SEK
Gotland prism, Strawberry AgateJordgubbsagat
Gotlandshänge, KarneolGotlandshänge, Karneol
Gotland prism, Carnelian
Sale price279 SEK
Gotlandshänge, TigerögaGotland prism, Tiger's eye
Gotland prism, Tiger's eye
Sale price279 SEK
Gotland pendant, Lava stoneGotland pendant, Lava stone
Gotland pendant, Lava stone
Sale price279 SEK
Gotlandshänge, Svart AgatGotland prism, Black Agate
Gotland prism, Black Agate
Sale price279 SEK

Production and Materials

With quality and sustainability in focus, we take the traditional with us into the future. For us, the work of increasing our social commitment and reducing our environmental impact never ends.

Our design series of complete heathen necklaces

Our design series of complete pagan necklaces, where we have combined various historical pendants with leather, bone and horn to create Viking jewelry that suits everyone, then as now. As organic material such as leather, wood and horn are not preserved in the ground over time, we do not know much about what the Vikings' jewelery looked like. What you find is the metal, stone and glass that has been preserved. With these necklaces, we have therefore created a vision of how these pieces of jewelery might have been put together and worn.