Whiskey glass
approx. 100 ml
A beautiful whisky glass in horn. The fine proportions of the glass and natural color shifts make them a gaze catch in any context. The feeling of horns is a warm, natural impression with a soft sensation when drinking. The natural properties of the horn also make it insulating, which helps keep the temperature of your drink even. The glass is slightly wide relative to height, which has been popular with whisky in recent years. The bottom consists of wood and is carefully adapted to the horn and pressed in place with heat.
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A beautiful whisky glass in horn. The fine proportions of the glass and natural color shifts make them a gaze catch in any context. The feeling of horns is a warm, natural impression with a soft sensation when drinking. The natural properties of the horn also make it insulating, which helps keep the temperature of your drink even. The glass is slightly wide relative to height, which has been popular with whisky in recent years. The bottom consists of wood and is carefully adapted to the horn and pressed in place with heat.
Our Story
Nordlys Viking is a family-owned lifestyle brand.
We create Scandinavian design inspired by the Vikings' world-famous design language. Nordlys is aimed at those of you who are quality and environmentally conscious and who like a Nordic expression. We turn to you, the urban Viking.