Viking replica beads
All beads in this collection are hand made replicas. So they are copies of finds from places such as Birka, Ribe, Kaupang and Hedeby.
111 products
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Yellow glass bead with decoration, Storfossen
Sale price12 SEK
Black glass bead with eye decoration
Sale price14 SEK
Yellow glass bead with eye decoration, Håringe
Sale price9 SEK
Square blue glass bead, Birka
Sale price6 SEK
Yellow lenticular glass bead, Gotland
Sale price4 SEK
Blue glass bead with eye decoration
Sale price8 SEK
Red wasp pearl
Sale price6 SEK
Black wasp bead
Sale price6 SEK
Gul melon pearl, Birka
Sale price7 SEK
Large green glass bead with decoration
Sale price18 SEK
Blå melonpärla
Sale price15 SEK
Production and Materials
With quality and sustainability in focus, we take the traditional with us into the future. For us, the work of increasing our social commitment and reducing our environmental impact never ends.

All glass beads in this collection are copies of finds from places such as Gotland, Birka, Ribe, Kaupang and Hedeby. All beads are replicas of original Viking beads.