January- Rose Quartz:
Rose quartz is the stone of love. It stands for love, peace and harmony. It is said to give you joy in life and balances yin and yang. It is said to create empathy and help you forgive and heal what has been..

February About the profession:
Inspiration and listening, hear your inner self voice.
Strong protection.
Relieves insomnia.

Strengthens dreams in sleep and
the dreams of their own future..
April - rock crystal
Harmony and balance with the universe.
Gives courage and protects.
Balances and soothes.
June moonstone
Protective and strengthening.
It is considered to bring luck, prosperity and patience
and helps to let go of negative areas in life.
July-red jade
Red jade stands for passion and vitality, and can, among other things, help us transform fear into action
August - Eye of the Tiger
Tiger's eye is said to give strength and better self-esteem.
Catalyzes power and brings clarity of mind.A good stone to carry in your bag or wear during exams, competitions, important meetings and performances.
September- Sodalit
Promotes friendship and solidarity.
A confidence booster. Cherish your true self and how you can reach your full potential.
October- Tourmaline
Tourmaline is a balancing stone that dissolves tension and stress. It transforms negative thoughts into positive ones.
November - Yellow Jade
Yellow jade is a stone for self-esteem and security in knowing and accepting yourself as you are. To honor one's own personality and be able to set boundaries around oneself.
Joy, friendship, loyalty, happiness and luck.
December-Green Jade
Good to have on a journey, spiritually
or physical life. Helps to
embrace the joy of existence