Vikingabröllop: Traditioner och ceremonier

Viking Wedding: Traditions and ceremonies

Vikings were known for their rich traditions and cultural ceremonies, and weddings were no exception. A Viking wedding was a significant event, not only for the couple but also for the surrounding community. Let us explore how a Viking wedding took place and the various ways this could be carried out.


Gods and goddesses in Norse mythology Reading Viking Wedding: Traditions and ceremonies 3 minutes

Vikings were known for their rich traditions and cultural ceremonies, and weddings were no exception. 

A Viking wedding was a significant event, not only for the couple but also for the surrounding community. 

Let's explore how a Viking wedding can take place.

The ceremony:

The wedding ceremony can take place at a blot site, a sanctuary, or at a chosen beautiful location in nature. There are many elements that can be included in the ceremony, including:

1. Ring of oath: A central symbol in Viking weddings was the wedding ring. The ring was a symbol of the promises made between the couple. 

The Edsringen ( Ring of oath) can sometimes be adorned with symbols and runes that represent love and protection.

2. Handband: Another traditional element was to bind the couple's hands with a ribbon or a rope. This symbolizes their unity and bound life together. "It was also a reminder that they were now a couple who could support each other through all of life's challenges. The wristband could be simple, or adorned with flowers and ornaments."

3. Vows: During the ceremony, vows can also be exchanged. These vows are not only about romantic love but also about supporting and protecting each other in everyday life. 

4. The Gods: The Vikings strongly believed in their gods and goddesses, and at a wedding it was common to invoke their blessing. 

Weddings were often blessed by Freja, the goddess of love and fertility, who was also believed to bring happiness. A blessing from Freja would symbolize that the marriage would bring love and success.

Odin's blessing: 

As the god of wisdom, Odin could also be involved to give the couple strength and clarity in their relationship.

Viking weddings were filled with symbolism and traditions that reflected the society's values regarding love, unity, and community. With elements such as the ring of oath, handfasting, and the blessing of the gods, a significant ceremony was created.

By understanding these traditions, we can gain a deeper appreciation of how love has been celebrated throughout the ages. 

Planning a Viking wedding today can be a fantastic way to honor these traditions and create unforgettable memories for the couple and their families.


An example of how a wedding can take place: 

The ceremony master/ the Gode, welcomes participants, bride and groom.

All present lay their knives on the ground, so spirits and gods know that we are here for peaceful purposes.

"The Ceremony Master calls upon the attention of the gods, preferably with a drum, and/or with three blasts of a horn with a horn."

The ceremony master holds out the "Ring of Oath", the couple holds it and recites after the ceremony master.

The bride and groom give each other the rings through the "Edsringen".

He passes the large drinking horn to the bride and groom, then he declares them to be married.

Finally, one can let the drinking horn be passed around among those present, thus giving each person a chance to say a few words, or just raise a toast to the couple.